4 Profitable Business Ideas for 2019

David Banks
Authored by David Banks
Posted Friday, January 25, 2019 - 11:55am

For aspiring business owners, some of the hardest challenges before starting up their business can be knowing what ideas will be profitable  and which are better lefton the drawing board. 2019 is going to be a year of change and the businesses that take advantage of technological advances, environmental awareness and attitude changes are likely to be the most successful and in-demand. 

Virtual Reality 

Virtual reality is finally house-hold technology, with many products centred around utilising virtual reality for entertainment purposes and to aid marketing campaigns. Whether you want to start up a business which focuses on using virtual reality for educational purposes, as virtual guides or as a replacement for video, virtual reality headsets were said to reach 22 million units in 2018. This number is set to grow exponentially in2019 as VR is utilised for a broader range of services such as Playstation’s new VR system bringing virtual reality to the forefront of the technology market.


From November 2018, CBD, a cannabinoid that does not possess the mind-altering effects of THC, was legalised for medical purposes in the UK, including the treatment of epilepsy, anxiety and other illnesses such as cancer and arthritis. CBD has many pain relieving and anti-inflammatory effects which can help many different physical illnesses. CBD can now be bought from herbal and specialist shops and fromonline shops. 

Deciding to set up a CBD business is a profitable venture for 2019 as CBD is a new craze which is sure to take off throughout 2019 due to its relatively new legality and supposedly ‘cure-all’ effects. One of the most important aspects of a CBD business is reassuring customers that you are a credible and reliable brand. If you are thinking of setting up a CBD business, Cude Design provides web design for CBD companies, ensuring that you can reach your target audience in an approachable and customer-friendly manner. 

Environmentally Friendly Products

With recent news suggesting that we have 12 years to stop climate changebefore we cause irrevocable damage, environmentally friendly products are the priority of many big firms as well as consumers. For instance, Morrisons has recently started producing un-packaged fruit and veg. Whether you decide to start up an environmentally friendly business that produces biodegradable products such as phone cases and reusable bags or start to produce environmentally friendly packaging or storage methods, you will be able to create a profitable business for both consumers and companies by focusing on climate saving products. 

Subscription Boxes

Subscription boxes are the newest shopping trend of millennials and older adults. Subscription boxes deliver monthly products straight to your door, their focus being on high quality and unusual products, good design and an element of surprise. The best thing about starting a subscription box business is that you can start up a subscription box business for anything, from books to tea to monthly snacks and spices. 

2019 is a year bursting with modern business ideas based on current issues and hot topics. By utilisingsome of the ideas that are most prevalent, you will be able to create a start-up business that will appeal to a large group of people and createa constant profit in 2019 and beyond. 

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