5 benefits of concrete pipes over other pipes

Sam Richards
Authored by Sam Richards
Posted Thursday, March 18, 2021 - 11:40am

Concrete pipes have been used in various industries for more than 160 years. These types of pipes have been quite popular due to their strength and easy installation. Generally, the strength of these pipes varies from class I to class V as per ASTM C-76 and AASHTO M 170 standards. According to the companies like https:///civilmart.com.au Concrete pipes have always proven to be the last long compared to the other material pipes. With Concrete pipe, you will not face any issues like deflect, tear, burn or rust. According to a recent survey concrete pipes can last longer up to 70 to 100 years. You will hardly see any other material pipe competing with concrete pipes in these segments. With concrete pipes, you will not have the issues of burning or tear as compared to the other thermoplastic pipes which are highly flammable. Today we will discuss more various reasons for these concrete pipes over other materials.

Affordable choice

Concrete pipes are installed without using any surround or full granular bedding. Hence the bedding material or excavated material can be used at the minimum. Hence it saves the overall cost during installation. Apart from these concrete pipes need next to no bedding compaction effort which also cut down the machinery usage expense. Since these pipes tend to survive longer as compared to the other material pipes you would need any further changes which also saves a lot of money. If you compare the cost of concrete pipe with the other one, they would have noticed that there was no great hike in the material cost. While with thermoplastic the cost of the material is increasing every day.

Easy Installation

Most of the pipe installations require a lot of time and efforts during the process of backfilling and compaction. As discussed above with concrete pipe one does not need to go for gull granular surround always which saves a lot of time in compaction and bedding. These pipes are generally installed with the available machinery available on the site and hence does not need any additional help or equipment during installation. With advanced technology, one can expect faster, efficient design, manufacturing, transportation and installation. At times some processes take only 2 to 3 minutes for the execution.

Damage Resistant

Concrete pipes are known for their strong and robust structure. Hence, they are more prone to external damage during usage and even during installation. Due to this, you do not need any external protection at the site while installation as compared to the other material pipes which require special storage and protection from various environmental factors. Generally, thermoplastic pipes tend to lose their shape or structure in the long run. But this is not the case with concrete pipes due to their material. Hence it retains its same shape over the years. These pipes are also known for their corrosion resistant and abrasion properties. Concrete pipes also do not lose their resistance or strength in the long run. Concrete pipes are also resistant to the chemical as well as sulphate attacks.


You can depend on concrete pipes for their floatation and the better resistance properties as compared to the other materials. These can be proven during the cases of rising groundwater or even in cases of floods. Concrete pipes come with flexible joints which makes them easy for movement on the ground. It even maintains its stability during the movement. You can even consider its maintenance and refurbishment even after several years of installation without any system issue.


Concrete pipes are well known for their sustainability feature as compared to the other available materials. These concrete pipes are made with responsibly sourced materials that are available in the local area such as cement and aggregates. Apart from this some of the companies also use recycled aggregates such as ground granulated blast furnace slag or fly ash. Generally, these materials come with a shelf life of more than 100 years and can be reused in new applications as well. During concrete pipe installation the excavated earth is used as a bedding material which results in a reduction of off-site disposal and the requirement of new bedding material. Apart from this one also does not need imported backfill and the heavy vehicle movement during installation due to the less excavation of landfill materials.


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