Best Freelance Jobs for Loving Moms

As the mom of two charming girls, I can state that taking maternity leave and immersing yourself in touching day-to-day motherly obligations doesn’t mean giving up on your professional longings. Today’s tech expanse provides overprotective moms with the means of realizing their professional potential by freelancing. Kid-centered women around the world are rushing to their laptops to become independent essay helper for some writing service, code developers, and yoga trainers in between their nurturing sessions and formula cooking ventures, savoring the breakouts from their motherly routine.

Freelancing among moms has taken on a catchy and substantial meaning due to its high convenience and rather entertaining nature for representatives of the “mom realm” like me. On that account, I have handpicked five trending work-at-home jobs for us, devoted moms, to self-develop while developing the lives of our offspring.


This seemingly incidental profession plays a huge role in publishing. Proofreading underlies the quality of all written work, assuring its grammatical consistency, smoothness, and lack of errors. Over the past few years, the proofreader’s profession has gained especial popularity, which gives users somewhat broader opportunities in tackling this occupation.

And scrutinizing texts for stylistic, grammatical, and lexical errors sounds like an amazing activity for busy moms to pass time! All you need to do is check out job search websites and look for available proofreader positions.

Online Tutor

Tutoring school kids through disciplines you’re knowledgeable in might work well for you. Much like proofreading, this form of education has evolved to the extent where its online format largely oversteps the classic land-based version by quantity and popularity. So, why shouldn’t you give an English language or electric guitar tutorial via Skype, which can make for a great recess from your maternity chores?

Web Designer

While most design aficionados create their digital masterpieces at the office, caring moms can get down to designing sitting right on their couch at home. Unlike the previous two positions, web design requires its developers to possess strong analytical thinking and high concentration. And, despite the immense distraction all around the house that moms face, some of them can still manage generating both remarkable user experiences and harmonic ambiance at their homes.

Online Travel Consultant

Travel business is thriving beyond its brick-and-mortar offices. Online travel agencies account for nearly half the revenue this niche gains annually. This means that by working as an online travel agent, you can make some good money, too. If you’re good at communicating with clients and paying attention to details, then this position must be the number one option for you.

The only drawback to this profession is that it can be fraught with emotional triggers such as frustration and angst: “People are lounging in the Bahamas while I’m stuck here with my ankle-biter!” you might think. For this reason, if you think you may be easily overwhelmed or impressed by such things, be sure to opt for another occupation.

Social Media Specialist

As the social media frenzy continues, the newly born profession of an SMM specialist is making some good fuss in the online marketing industry. And I bet that you, a mom who most likely posts every admirable shot of her cute kid on Instagram or Facebook, must be more than equipped for working with social networks. Given that social networking is one of your greatest hobbies, going for SMM is not going to be something too demanding for you.

Drawing the Line

Never did I think of having a job alongside bringing up my four and five-year-old kids until I discovered the potential to broaden ordinary life by freelancing. And it’s not only for the sake of having an outlet from your maternal rut – being a freelancing mom also broadens your financial capabilities. And you must get it that a mom’s work-at-home opportunities don’t come down just to these trending occupations I have provided, going as far as you are willing with your professional options.

I’d also like to drop a few lines as regards the misconception encompassing motherhood. Don’t misinterpret a mother’s mission as the total destruction of her self in the name of her child. It’s not like that. Mothering implies a life-long process of planting the seeds of wisdom, dignity, and morality in her children. And this ultimate task of motherhood can never be fulfilled if your life is confined to rambling around the house yelling at your kid or vacuum-cleaning the toy-laden carpet with Oprah playing in the background.

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