Charles Stanley sponsors charity workshop in Exeter
Leading wealth manager Charles Stanley recently sponsored a Board Talk Breakfast aimed at Charity Trustees and Chief Executives in Exeter, asking ‘Why is it so hard to find good Trustees?’
The workshop, held in conjunction with Shine Charity Recruitment and Devon Square Partners on 15th March, was attended by 45 people including trustees, senior managers and CEOs of local charities or professionals who specialise in the charity sector. This breakfast forms a series of events hosted by all three companies, focusing on issues such as developing the Board, fundraising, trading strategy and financial awareness.
The event served as an opportunity for attendees to network before taking part in a discussion on charity recruitment. This forum was led by Michael White, from Devon Square Partners, and Jackie Dawkins, of Shine Charity Recruitment.
Richard Missen, Branch Director of Charles Stanley’s Exeter office, said: “This series of workshops provides the opportunity for local charity contacts to network with their peers on an informal, regular and confidential basis. By updating the topic of the forum for every session we can keep up to date with current issues and themes within the sector, creating an active discussion for the benefit of all attendees and the charities they represent.”
Jackie Dawkins, Director, Shine Charity Recruitment, said: "We love the vibe that the Board Talk breakfasts have created over the last few years. We regularly get between 40-50 Trustees and CEOs attending from a wide range of charities and the exchange of information and advice is welcomed. We realise the relaxed and interactive nature of this breakfast seminar makes this an engaging and enjoyable event."