Coping with change requires empowering others: Exeter chosen for innovative leadership immersive workshop
The increasing recognition of the need to cope with change in positive and sustainable ways has led more businesses to turn toleadership skills and management training - but taught courses do not always deliver the desired outcomes.
According to Professor Peter Totterdill, CEO of Workplace Innovation Europe Limited (WIE), many enlightened employers and business ownersare committed to real transformation beyond “ticking the box”, leading teams of engaged employees who are more than willing to “go the extramile”.
However, he questions whether those who receive leadership and management training are able to deliver change and innovation when confronted with their old work environment, inert employee relationships and the same demands on performance?
“Too often the answer is no.” he said. “There is a wealth of evidence that there exists widespread post-course failure to manage day-to-day pressures and entrenched work practices that outmuscle new, but ostensibly untried, ideas.
“Taught courses have value in introducing participants to the concepts and approaches that underpin effective leadership and sustainable transformation, but the value of these concepts and approaches is only realised when participants can apply them in concrete situations.
“Inspiring leadership is not about charisma, personality and grand strategies, it is more about empowering jobs, getting the best out of self-managed teams, communication, transparency, employee voice and strategic thinking. These are the elements that are not happening enough.
“Line managers, in particular, typically can block positive and sustainable change underperforming in leadership and people management because of poor communication, insufficient prioritisation between competing demands on time, lack of appropriate skills and inadequate access to tools for staff engagement and change.
Rosemary Exton of WIE, said: “What we aim to do is provide a practical approach to leadership training that builds an organisation’s capacity for effective and sustainable change and we deliver this through an innovative ‘Immersive Workshop’, full of fresh thinking and interaction. Significantly, the continuous learning journey is carried back to the workplace and supported by e-learning and online coaching.
“Leadership for High Performing Organisationsis a tried and tested programme, accredited by the Institute of Leadership and Management (ILM), and grounded in evidence and experience. It empowers change leaders and managers with the knowledge, resources and practical support needed to confront deeply embedded attitudes and behaviours, the resilience to ask difficult questions, and the inspiration to create the culture of innovation and enterprise needed for twenty-first century challenges.”
The inaugural ‘Leadership for High Performing Organisations’Immersive Workshop takes place at Harry’s on Longbrook Street, Exeter from 9th April (16.00) to 10th April 2019 (16.00). Details and registration is available by visiting www.workplaceinnovation.eu/Leadership-for-High-Performing-Organisations