Heather Upchurch, Dealerweb Chief Technology Officer, and Lee Coomber, Dealerweb Business Development Director

DK Global Partner Programme Roadshow reaches Dealerweb in Exeter

News Desk
Authored by News Desk
Posted Thursday, May 2, 2019 - 2:15pm

CDK Global, Inc (Nasdaq, CDK), a provider in automotive dealership software used by 28,000 automotive retailers in over 100 countries, yesterday visited Dealerweb in Exeter as part of its Partner Programme nationwide Roadshow.  

The CDK Global Partner Programme team is visiting eight new partners, alongside Dealerweb, with an entourage of hospitality and refreshment vans serving muffins and coffee, between 29th April and 10th May.  

Dealerweb Chief Technology Officer Heather Upchurch commented, “The integration of Dealerweb and CDK marks the coming together of two industry innovators to the clear advantage of dealers, who will benefit from faster and more accurate data management. Dealerweb Showroom is built with integration at its heart to ensure that our user experience will continue to be as seamless as possible.

One of our key development principles is to ‘keep it simple; keep it fast’ – joining the CDK Partner Programme allows us to offer many of our customers an even swifter and more straightforward experience, leaving them with more time to ensure that every sales opportunity is maximised.”

“It is our aim at CDK to provide the very best technology to enable dealers to continue to sell and service cars and deliver exceptional customer experiences. The Partner Programme is a crucial strategy in helping us deliver the best products to help retailers deliver this, and we are delighted to visit one of our inaugural partners, Dealerweb on their home turf, and see just how we will continue to work with them into the future.”  said Jonathan Hales, UK Partner Manager, CDK Global.

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