Exeter Chamber hosts MP, Ben Bradshaw
Over 80 business leaders from across the city attended Exeter Chamber of Commerce’s recent monthly networking lunch with guest speaker, Exeter MP, Ben Bradshaw.
Ben was voted back in again in on 8th June for the 6th consecutive time with an increased majority vote and the lunch gave members the opportunity to raise issues and ask questions about what is affecting their businesses. Ben answered questions from members on topics including business rates, disability work initiatives in Exeter and education budget cuts.
The next Chamber lunch will take place at Reed Hall, Exeter University on 13th August 2017 and will be a summer garden party lunch, giving delegates the chance to network and meet some new faces as well as catch up with existing contacts.
To book a space on the next event, please visit www.exeterchamber.co.uk or call the Chamber office on 01392 431133.