Exeter event to tackle workplace mental health issues
A day-long conference at Exeter University will discuss some of the difficult issues related to mental health problems at work and how organisations can create positive mental wellbeing in the workplace.
The ‘Good Work and Mental Well-Being Lab’ will review Macmillan Cancer Support and Exeter University’s approach to mental health in the workplace. It will also discuss the latest research on management interventions to support mental health and how this is influencing practice in Cornwall Council.
The event will be facilitated by Peter Totterdill and Rosemary Exton from Fresh Thinking Labs, a part of Workplace Innovation Europe CLG, a not-for-profit organisation committed to creating better workplaces through its research, consultancy, policy advocacy and pro bono activities.
Peter Totterdill said: “Mental health problems are a huge issue affecting people and business. Statistics tell us that 1 in 4 people will be affected by a mental health problem at some time in their life with the result that 72 million working days are lost each year, at a cost of around £3.4.9bn to UK employers alone.
“While there is undoubtedly a myriad of factors contributing to individual mental health, the workplace has huge potential either to promote or to undermine mental wellbeing.
“Our aim is to help organisations to discover the pathway to healthier and more productive workplaces by sharing good practice, learning from research evidence and by awakening the potential for change.”
Other speakers include Al Chester, Safeguarding, Inclusion & Wellbeing Officer at Macmillan Cancer Support: Dawn Bailey, Strategic Health, Safety and Wellbeing Consultant at Cornwall Council; Tom Caro, Wellbeing Adviser, University of Exeter and Kate Lindsell, Assistant Director HR at the University of Exeter.
The event, which will include an interactive feedback session takes place on Monday 13th August at Exeter University from 9am for 9.30am start through to 4pm. The cost of participation is £50 including lunch. Applications for places can be made by visiting http://www.workplaceinnovation.eu/Exeter-event.