A guide for business owners: How to improve your web presence

Sam Richards
Authored by Sam Richards
Posted Tuesday, March 3, 2020 - 3:22pm

Improving your company’s web presence is one of the most important tasks that you face as a modern-day business owner. By creating a strong online reputation for your organisation, you will be more likely to reach new prospects on a daily basis and build a better overall brand image for yourself.
Here are a few strategies that you should adopt in your bid to improve your business’ web presence:

Optimise for the mobile web

If you truly want to improve your web presence, you cannot afford to alienate any members of your online audience. This means that your company website should be accessible on all devices. Importantly, this means optimising your site for the mobile web. By making sure that all of your platforms are mobile-friendly, you will ensure that your business is discoverable whenever mobile searches are conducted in its market.

To optimise your site for the mobile web, you must:

  • Test your website using Google’s Mobile-Friendly Test tool
  • Use a responsive webpage theme
  • Partner up with a reliable website host
  • Tailor your pop-up around mobile devices
  • Ensure that Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMPs) are enabled on your site
  • Design your own mobile app

Rank higher on Google

Ranking high on Google is another surefire way to improve your online presence. At the very least, appearing above your competitors whenever searches are conducted in your market will help your business to stand out from the crowd.

There are a plethora of things that you can do to rank your company website higher on Google. You can list your business in prominent online directories, you can audit your Google+ listing, and you can encourage your customers to review your services online. 

The very best thing that you can do in this instance, however, is to optimise your SEO alongside a full-service marketing agency like Digital Marketing Reinvented. With an expert of this calibre by your side, you will be able to optimise both your local and international SEO endeavours.

Maximise your UX

If you want your customers to be attracted to your company website over all of the others that are made available to them in your market, you need to maximise your user experience (UX).

To optimise your UX in the competitive digital world of today, you must:

  • Ensure that your pages take less than three seconds to load
  • Fill your various landing pages with calls-to-action (CTA)
  • Make sure your ‘About Us’ page is detailed, helpful, and informative
  • Understand what your customers actually want
  • Embrace an omni-platform marketing strategy and put the customers first
  • Upload content that is engaging, intuitive, targeted, and effective
  • Run a blog alongside your company website
  • Provide your customers with support as and when they need it via a live chat feature

Do you want your business to stand out from the crowd online? If so, must resolve to improve its web presence. By optimising your site for the mobile web, ranking higher on Google, and maximising your UX, you will be sure to do just that.

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