Saving your business money

News Desk
Authored by News Desk
Posted Monday, January 29, 2018 - 10:03am

If your business is losing money, then that means you’re losing money too. Every penny wasted is a loss to your business and could mean the difference between success and failure. In today’s difficult business climate, it is more vital than ever that we take the time to give regular appraisals of our business costs in order to ensure that any money we spend is going to benefit customers and staff alike. Depending on your business sector, there are a number of different ways to make sure you are doing everything you can to secure financial security.

Look after your staff

Your people are your most vital resource, and by maintaining a happy and positive work environment, you make your employees feel more valued, fresh, and eager to work hard. It’s all too easy to focus on your customers and forget that the people you work with on a daily basis have needs as well. This is why it is important to make sure that your team bonds, whether that be through highly beneficial team-building activities that promote shared experiences. Team building doesn’t need to break the bank, and could be money well spent.


You want your potential customers to be able to find you as easily as possible. This means advertising, and there are so many options available now that it can be difficult to work out just what the most effective methods are going to be. Social media has been a game-changer for many businesses, but it might not always be the best way to go. You may find that more traditional advertising is more effective, and can depend greatly on your business sector, so it’s worth doing some research, and working out which method of advertising is best suited to you.


When you first set your business up, you no doubt carried out your own forms of research into possible client figures and where your business sector might be in the future. Often, we don’t tend to carry on thinking in this way once we’re set up and the customers are walking through the door, but maintaining market research is vital if you want to keep your clients happy and up to date with all of the information that they need. The good news is that you can outsource market research very easily, and whether it’s advertising market research to assess how your last campaign went or healthcare market research by GKA that allows you to take advantage of focus groups or telephone interviews, 

Negotiate Everything

Those regular outgoings can really take their toll, but often we assume that once a price is set, then there’s no going back. The trick to saving money is never to assume that you’re getting a good deal. From paying monthly rent to the money you pay to regular suppliers, it’s always worth negotiating for lower costs. The possible savings could surprise you, and negotiation in business is one of the most important elements of the day to day running of your work environment.

These are the simple methods you can start with, but there are a vast number of way that you can save money. Going green, hiring recent graduates rather than demanding ten years of experience, and constantly reviewing your outgoings, are all activities that you should explore if you want to save your business from falling into a black hole of expenditure.

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