Southernhay Breakfast Club social diary

Marc Astley
Authored by Marc Astley
Posted Friday, December 11, 2015 - 10:50am

The last Southernhay Breakfast Club enjoyed a talk by the charismatic Joe McNulty and co. from "Theatre Learning". Joe runs a business where actors and theatre are used to get training messages across to groups.

At this fun session, attendees were given red and green cards to 'vote' on how well they thought the actors, who improvised a scenario between a manager and employee, were dealing with an everyday work situation. Trainers Andy and Elaine might have been 'hamming it up' a little, but they definitely held the audience's attention!

Southernhay Breakfast Club is a networking group for local business people who get together every few weeks on a Friday morning at the Southgate hotel in Exeter. It is organised by volunteers Jonathan Wadsworth, (Beckworth Financial
Services) and Adrian Hills (Kirk Hills Chartered Accountants). This friendly club has no membership fee and offers fascinating local speakers and the opportunity to network with other local professionals.

Former speakers have included Tony Rowe (OBE), representatives from the Met Office, Radio Exe and the RSPB and Exeter Cathedral. 

With more than 70 members, the club is a great way to meet people if you are new to the area and it welcomes membership applications from any local business. You can find out more and apply to join through the website:


Photographs show:

1. Mike Hart – Kirk Hills
Andy Oaker -– Theatre Learning
Joe McNulty – Theatre Learning
Adrian Hills - Kirk Hills
Jonathan Wadsworth - Beckworth
Elaine Johnson – Theatre Learning

2. Paul Cann – Charles Stanley
Richard Norman – Redmayne Bentley
Cameron Caverhill – Kitsons

3. Rebecca Haynes – Foot Anstey
Sara-Jane Mahany – Foot Anstey
Elaine Johnson - Theatre Learning

4. David George – Ford George Surveyors
Margaret Rendle – Meridian Business Support

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