Start a furniture business In Exeter - 5 simple steps

Sam Richards
Authored by Sam Richards
Posted Friday, September 27, 2019 - 9:45am

When you have the training or knowledge to make your own custom furniture, then starting a business to sell it is the next logical step.  But there’s a bit more about starting a furniture business than just getting a shop or a workshop.  Here are five simple steps to take to get started on your dream business.

Preparation – define your business

Step one is all about preparation and defining your business – what kind of furniture will you make, what materials you will use and where will you sell it.  You can also do work on your niche or target market – who will you sell it to?

It is a good idea to check there is demand for the type of furniture you want to make.  Also see how you can make your pieces different from what is already available so you can offer something competitors don’t, but that people still require.

This is also the time to decide about the structure of the company and see about any licenses or insurance you will need.  You may want to be a sole trader to start with or go straight into being a limited company – a company formations expert can help with this.  You will also need insurance for your business equipment and may need other insurance if you have staff or customers visiting the property.

Where to sell

There are a few different options on where and how to sell your furniture and you should decide these from the start.  Traditionally, a high street shop would be one option while having a workshop that also doubles as a store can be another option.  

With the growth of the online world, it is also possible to have a home based workshop and sell online, although always consider where to store items until sold.  Unless you go down the route of made to order.

You may also want to consider getting to know other businesses who can help you sell your products. Galleries are one example where you can display a piece or two of furniture and they make a commission if they sell it for you.

Get the equipment

Once you know who your audience is and where you will sell, you are ready to start fitting the other pieces together.  You may have the equipment you need to make the furniture, or you make need to purchase some or all of it.  Aim to get everything you need to make the furniture you have planned but don’t buy things for the future for now.

Build a network

You will also want to start looking at the supply network you need.  You may want to buy some pieces of furniture to then make into something different so a trade furniture company will be on your list.  Or you may need suppliers for wood and other raw materials if you are making things from scratch.

Start marketing the business

Once you are ready to start taking orders or selling your finished pieces, you can start marketing your business.  Online marketing is an important step as people increasingly do their research online, even if they make a purchase in person.  A basic website and social media profiles are good places to start.

You may also want to look at advertising locally to show customers where you are.  Local trade shows and other events can be a great way to showcase your furniture if you know your target audience will be there.  Continue to build that network of other businesses that can refer to you too as word of mouth is still a very important thing in the furniture industry.

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