Ways to have a rewarding customer journey

Sam Richards
Authored by Sam Richards
Posted Thursday, November 28, 2019 - 6:59am

If you run a business, then you must have heard of ”Customer is the King” quote. But do you bring it into practice? But, still, many businesses that fail to understand the profundity of this statement. If you observe closely, then you will get to know that customer journey and business success go hand-in-hand. The more positive it would be the customer journey, the higher would be the business’s success.

Customers who are happy with a business and have a positive customer journey are likely to be 60% more profitable for any business. If your customers’ journey shows positive growth, then your business striving efforts are going to be half, and your success is going to be doubled.

What is the customer journey, and why the customer journey is important?

The customer journey is the whole experience of a customer with a particular company/brand/organization. It encompasses customer buying history, interactions, and complains during the entire course of customer and business associations.

Having a positive customer journey is important because:

  • A satisfied customer is a loyal customer.
  • It reduces your marketing efforts and cost.
  • It helps a business to grow a useful customer database.

That is why a positive customer journey can be rewarding in many senses. But, the burning question here is:

Can you achieve such a rewarding customer journey easily?

Well, it is a tough nut to crack. The first and foremost principle while aiming so is to optimize the customer center around the customers and ensure constant and complete interactions rather than having various broken interactions.

Here are some of the tips that will help you to have a rewarding customer journey in fewer efforts.

  • Try to offer better customer experience

Customer experience is one thing that affects your business in numerous manners. If you want to have a rewarding customer journey, then delivering a better and gratifying customer experience is what should be your prime focus. Now, here is how you can improve the customer experience.

  • Ditch your PSTN-based business phone system today

One of the biggest reasons that customers get dissatisfied is poor contact center response. Customers of today are very particular and want to be doubly sure before making the actual purchase. Hence they place queries after queries. Dealing such high call traffic with the PSTN-based phone system is tough. Despite that addressing their queries and complaints at that very moment is more than important if you want to get hold over the rewarding customer journey.

To ensure this, using an online phone number is the best bet as it comes with the whole plethora of business features like call forwarding, call recording, IVR, auto call answering, on-hold music, etc.. All these features help a business to serve their customers better.

  • Offer a local number facility 

If you are an MNC having a global presence, then you can offer a better customer experience by using a local/toll free phone number as a key contact point. No matter how million –dollar company you are, your customers are going to spend their hard-earned money just to make a call to the service provider. Hence, using a local phone number for each operative country is the right thing to do.

  • Make most of your data 

In today’s world, data is the currency, and you should learn to make the most of it. If you are using VoIP UK phone number, then you must have an integrated CRM facility at your disposal. With this in-built integration, you get the information like how many customer calls were about service quality, how many customers are dissatisfied, whether the past concern has been resolved or not, etc.

All this information can help you gain an insight into the customers’ thought process and generate customized service. You can also train your employees to deal with customer queries based on data gathered. 

For example, if a customer is enquiring about a new service, then you can pitch the relevant offers and schemes based on the past purchase data gathered from the UK phone number. 

  • Build customer loyalty programs 

If you want to have a rewarding customer journey, then don’t forget to recognize your customers’ contribution to your business success. You can do it by creating a customer loyalty program. It is a very effective way to oblige your customers for their loyalty towards you. 

While you are doing this, make sure that you are not waiting for the first fetch 10+ orders and then oblige them. Today’s world is highly fickle. So, you should recognize your customers’ contribution bit early say about just after first purchase. 

Yes, you read it right. You can offer loyalty programs just after the first purchase and help your customers understand that their association matters to you. 

  • Communicate via every possible manner 

Gone those days when phone calls were the only way to communicate. Today, we communicate via omnichannel, and you should also bring it into practice. Try to establish a live chat, voicemail, and email communication facility along with traditional telephony.

If you want to have consistent revenue generation, then putting emphasizes on a better rewarding customer journey should never be out of focus. Try these tips and see the wonders happening. 

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