Ways you can harness business technology to increase customer engagement

David Banks
Authored by David Banks
Posted Friday, May 15, 2020 - 6:15am

Since the advent of technology, many corporations have changed the way they handle business. More tools have been implemented to boost the relationship between business providers and customers. Before the technology age, customer engagement was based on the traditional platforms of advertising and interaction; this was via the use of flyers and referrals from trusted individuals. However, present-day customer engagement is no longer static in several businesses. There is a constant evolution between business owners and customers. New technologies and strategies are used to improve the end-users’ experiences. Besides, the cost of implementing such solutions is becoming cheaper as technology expands.

What Is Customer Engagement?

Simply put, customer engagement defines the establishment of an emotional connection between a brand and a consumer. As a business owner increases customer engagement, so do the customers purchase his products and services, promote his brand, and build more loyalty with his business. Hence, to implement a highly-feasible customer engagement strategy, businesses need to provide consumers with top-quality customer experience.

Facts About Customer Engagement Trends

With the internet and other tech solutions, corporations can interact and engage consumers from several locations, at any time. It is important to know that customer engagement can not be bought. Rather, business owners can improve on their existing customer engagement platforms. Needless to say, you need to harness technology to realise this goal. Here are some facts to note:

  • The quality of your company’s customer engagement determines how happy your customers would be.
  • Customers are more drawn to companies that implement technology in promoting customer engagement.
  • A business needs ethics and trust to increase customers’ loyalty and business growth.
  • Customer engagement is built on the platform of connectivity, timeliness, and personalization.

Benefits Of Technology In Customer Engagement

Current-day businesses thrive to improve customer engagement with various strategic tools and methods, including the use of technology. Why is technology so important in providing customers with unique experiences? Let’s take a look at some of the benefits of technology in customer engagement.

  1. Technology Helps Provide A Simplified Business Procedure

As new IT solutions are created each day, complex customer engagement functions become more simplified. More businesses of various sizes look up to bigger IT solution providers like Salesforce for more customer support tools and software. These solutions improve transactions, customer service support, searches, and other business processes. A clear example of this is the VoIP business phone systems businesses offer to consumers. These systems create a platform for customers to make toll-free voice calling for enquiries. Customers are happier when their business transactions are swift, convenient, and simple.

  1. With Technology Customers’ Complaints Can Be Resolved Quickly

The present-day technology is not just available to improve day-to-day business flow, but also provide a connection between businesses and consumers. In other words, business owners should be able to communicate and connect with their customers on a personal level; it helps business individuals to understand their clients better and provide optimum services that address their needs. Such technology can include the use of websites with live chats, communication, software, and email.

  1. Technology Helps Enhance Customer Experience By Providing Data

Business owners can track visitors’ activities on a portal or website using various metrics, including the time metric. With the data provided, business owners can know how best to offer the best customer experience. There are also feedback systems that help site owners understand and meet the needs of consumers. The closer you get to your customers, the more you are able to connect with them on a personal level.

Some websites come with features that help highly targeted marketing campaigns. By understanding how to use technology effectively in your business, you can build long-term relationships with your customers.


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