What is a DBS Check?

David Banks
Authored by David Banks
Posted Tuesday, July 2, 2019 - 7:58am

Back in 2012, the Criminal Records Bureau (CRB)and Independent Safeguarding Authority (ISA) merged to become known as the Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS).

Consequently, all CRB checks became known as DBS checks, which have been designed to help various business owners to make informed and safe recruitment decisions. By performing a DBS check, an employer can relax in the knowledge that an employee is suitable to work with a vulnerable group of people.

When is DBS Check Required?

Many employers in both England and Wales are required to perform DBS checks on employees or volunteers if they are working in care, such as with children or vulnerable groups of people. 

For example, those entering teaching or healthcare professions will be required to undergo a DBS check. However, both Scotland and Northern Ireland will have different rules for undertaking a criminal record check.

Can You Perform a DBS Check on Any Employee?

Business owners should be aware that you can only request for an employee, volunteer or job applicant to undergo a DBS check if they are applying for a specific type of position.

For example, the following professions will require a DBS check:

  • Childminders
  • Teachers
  • Medical professionals
  • Social workers
  • Foster carers

Anyone working at a hospital, school, nursery, or a children’s home will need to receive a DBS check. Plus, vets, accountants, barristers, and solicitors may be required to receive a DBS check when they initially enter a profession.

It is also important to note that employers can only perform a DBS check on job applicants who have successfully completed all other application processes.

The Three Types of DBS Checks

There are currently three types of DBS checks available:

  • Standard
  • Enhanced
  • Enhanced with list checks

The option chosen will depend on an employer’s needs and legal requirements.

How Long Does a DBS Check Take?

It is common for a DBS check to take approximately eight weeks to complete. The timeframe can vary, however, as it will be determined by the checks carried out, a local authority’s application backlog, and whether a person’s details are correct. 

There are tools available to speed up the process. For example, uCheck can provide various DBS checks and you could receive the results within a matter of days.

It is also important to note that there is no expiration date on a DBS check. It is at the employer’s discretion on when to next embark on a check.

Is It Possible to Appeal Against a DBS Check?

If an individual believes a DBS check was inaccurate, they do have a right to appeal against it. For example, they could receive an inaccurate check if their personal information was incorrect or there was a mistake on a criminal record.

If so, they will have three months after receiving the certificate to report the error. Both the individual and their employer can embark on this process, and a local authority will follow up on the appeal to review the information and potentially remove any mistakes. 

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