The chance for local businesses to get involved with Great Gorillas
This summer, Exeter and Torbay are going to have some rather unusual visitors. To mark Paignton Zoo’s 90th anniversary, lifesize gorilla sculptures will be inhabiting the open spaces and parks of Exeter and Torbay – each showcasing their own individual art, designed by local artists.
Arriving at the end of July with a Great Gorilla Flotilla in Torbay, the gorillas will be with us for 10 weeks throughout the summer, giving locals and visitors alike the chance to get up close to these magnificent pieces of work. After this, the gorillas will then be sold in a big Charity Auction at the start of November.
Local businesses throughout the region are sponsoring the gorillas – each with their own individual design. So far, sponsors include Frobishers, Stagecoach, Princesshay Shopping Centre, Guildhall Shopping Centre, ATASS, Exeter College and Exeter University – not to mention those from Torbay and the surrounding area who are also getting involved.
Time is running out to get involved but if you’re a local business and want to find out more about sponsoring one of these great giants, please get in touch –contact Richard Marsh at richard.marsh@mdepartment.co.uk or Emma Cunningham at emma@sandboxmarketing.co.uk