Everys set up new family business support division

Authored by Everys
Posted Tuesday, May 14, 2013 - 11:58am

Everys Solicitors has branched out to offer a new service to help support family businesses in Devon and Somerset.

The new family business support division will be led by the firm’s managing partner James Griffin, who will be assisted by head of commercial law Kate Stamp and head of wills, trusts, tax and probate Hilary Quantick.

It will serve to support family businesses in the South West with a firm focus on growth.

Mr Griffin said: “We already work with numerous family businesses in the region, in particular, rural businesses and farms, and have always been on hand to offer our specialist legal expertise on a range of issues, including succession planning, which is important for the survival of many family businesses.”

Mr Griffin and Ms Stamp recently attended a two-day intensive Family Business Growth Programme masterclass in May at the world-class business school, the Institute for Management Development (IMD), in Lausanne, Switzerland.

The programme, which has been brought to the region by family-owned land management business Clinton Devon Estates, was launched in Exeter in March with the aim of supporting hundreds of rural family businesses that are vital to the regional economy.

“The course was inspirational and made a lot of sense in that we need to support our private family businesses, especially in this part of the world, for the sake of the local economy,” added Mr Griffin. “Kate, Hilary and I will now combine our legal expertise and training from the masterclass to support these family firms to ensure their survival and to nurture their future growth.”

As part of the Family Business Growth Programme, the Everys family business team will offer its initial business advice free of charge. The new division’s progress will be monitored Dr Matt Lobley, co-director of the Centre for Rural Policy Research at the University of Exeter as he will visit Everys’ clients to ascertain whether the advice they received had a positive impact.

John Varley, estate director, for Clinton Devon Estates, said: "As active participants in the Family Business Growth Programme, Everys are benefitting from more than 25 years of world class research and learning from IMD and the family farm succession work undertaken by Exeter University.

“I am delighted that Everys are now transferring this special family business knowledge and unique tool kit to family businesses and farms across Devon and Somerset. The benefits to local businesses and family farms are enormous in tackling issues such as succession and routes to growth for future generations. Everys is well placed to make a difference to many rural businesses across the region."


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