Exeter's the place for an Italian's job!
A female engineer from Italy has secured a job with design and engineering consultancy Atkins in Exeter after receiving advice from the National Careers Service.
Giulia Magri, who graduated as a structural engineer from University of Rome Tor Vergata in 2005, arrived in Devon in September after finding that opportunities for progression in her field were limited in her native country.
“Although there were jobs available in Italy, and I worked for a number of Italian engineering firms and architects, it became clear that my progression – and my salary ‒ would not meet my expectations,” explained Giulia, who consequently upped sticks to try her luck in the UK.
On moving to Exeter, Giulia contacted the National Careers Service for support with job searches and applications. She met adviser Sanchia Hylton-Smith, who gave Giulia useful suggestions for updating her CV and creating relevant internet searches. By chance, Sanchia knew of an ideal opening with Atkins and put Giulia forward.
Giulia secured the position and is now working for Atkins in its Exeter office on a variety of design projects.
According to the Women’s Engineering Society, only about 8% of structural engineers are women and the industry continues to be male dominated. Fortunately, Atkins is a proactive supporter of women in engineering and in 2013 the company produced its own survey, ‘Britain’s got talented female engineers’ to help encourage more women to join the profession.
“I am very happy working for Atkins,” said Giulia. “It’s a serious company and has a positive attitude towards female engineers.”
To book a free local appointment call 0800 100 900 or visit www.nationalcareersservice.directgov.co.uk