Get up to speed with digital mega trends events

Mary Youlden
Authored by Mary Youlden
Posted Tuesday, February 10, 2015 - 7:54am

Businesses in the South West can get hands on practical advice about social media, working with the ‘cloud’, understanding analytics and the benefits of utilising other digital technologies at two separate events taking place in February.

Specialist Business support services from Superfast Business, The Digital Marketplace, Heart of the South West Business Support and Get up to Speed, all delivered by Peninsula Enterprise, have joined forces to deliver Technology Mega Trends 2015.

Taking place in Barnstaple on Tuesday 24 February and Exeter on Thursday 26 February, business owners, and their staff, will be able to find out how some of the most successful companies are using the latest digital technologies.

Both days take place from 9am to 3.30pm and include four inspirational talks which will provide practical advice and tips that businesses will be able to quickly and easily implement. There will also be an opportunity for people to speak with the experts on a one to one basis and receive advice and support specifically for their business.

During the event, businesses will also be able to find out how to effectively measure, analyse and review their digital marketing strategies, learn how to convey their story online in an innovative way, build customer loyalty, and attract and convert more overseas orders online.

As well as a presentation about the use of tablets and smartphones for business, and how they have revolutionised marketplaces there is also the opportunity for businesses without any social media presence to set up their business pages under expert guidance.

Ian Exworthy, Superfast Business Programme Manager said: “Long gone are the days when all businesses needed to think about was having a website, an email address and a phone number. There is now so much more available, and so many ways in which potential customers can interact with companies, that it can become a minefield.

“Whether it’s social media like Twitter and Facebook, mobile devices or working with cloud software, technology is moving at a rapid pace and businesses are expected to keep up with consumer trends.

“The 2013 statistics from the Office of National Statistics showed that 73% of adults in the UK use the internet everyday of which 72% have purchased goods and services online and 53% have accessed the internet using a mobile phone. Whilst these numbers are not staggering the trend is ever upwards which means that businesses need to keep ahead of the game – otherwise their competitors will!”

Attendance at these events is free as they have been funded by the European Regional Development Fund, Regional Growth Fund, Regional Growth Network and Get Up to Speed. Given the exciting topics, and the limited spaces available, businesses are required to book their place at the earliest opportunity to avoid disappointment.  The spaces will be reserved on a first come, first served basis.

To find out more about the Technology Mega Trends 2015 conference, or to book a place, visit or call 0345 603 8593.

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