MBSS secures deal with Digby Park & Ride

Mary Youlden
Authored by Mary Youlden
Posted Friday, August 8, 2014 - 2:37pm

Marsh Barton Security Services (MBSS) has secured a three year security contract with Digby Park and Ride, part of the Royal Devon and Exeter Hospital transport system to Wonford Hospital.

The three year contract will see MBSS supply security services at the site, which is used by a large number of hospital staff, patients and visitors throughout the week. The contract was signed when the previous three year contract between the two parties was deemed a success, due to the thriving relationship between the security team and the transport team at the hospital, as well as the relationship between the security guards and service users. 

MBSS are responsible for opening the Digby site each day at 6:30am and closing at 10:30pm. In the winter months when the evenings are darker, the security guards meet and greet staff, patients and hospital visitors from the bus and escort them to their cars to ensure their safety.

There are regular, hourly patrols throughout the week during which the security guards carry out external checks and look for any suspicious activity.

MBSS has been trading for over 30 years but was bought in May 2012 by Ex Royal Marine Marcus Di-Vincenzo who also runs a very successful worldwide security company, MIG Security.

MBSS Director Marcus said: “It’s a great demonstration of our skills and positive relationships with our clients that we have secured this contract for a further three years. It’s a really important job both to us and to those who use the park and ride service. It is absolutely imperative that our security guards open the site on time, or hospital staff could be late for their shifts at the hospital.

He continued: “We really value this role with the Digby Park and Ride. It’s one of our more client facing roles and the security guards have built up a great relationship with hospital staff. We are thrilled that we will continue to work alongside them and help to deliver this essential service.”

Alison Knowlton, Security and Car Parking Operations Manager is pleased to be working with Marsh Barton Security Services who will be providing the on-site security service at the Digby Park and Ride Facility.  She said: “The Trust runs a park and ride service from Digby to the Wonford Hospital site to provide alternative parking arrangements for patients, visitors and staff.  Marsh Barton Security Service contributes to helping the Trust deliver a safe, high quality and seamless service with courtesy and respect for all users.”

For more information or to find out more you can contact the MBSS team on 01392 426947 or visit www.mbssuk.com

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