The new face of retail captivates all the senses
Have you taken a good look at your local high street lately?
The Plum Consultancy is based in Exeter, Devon and some interesting and ground-breaking experiential retailing has arrived in this fine city. The type of retailing which sets companies apart and gets people through their doors and queuing out into the street.
Why? Because new concepts in retailing have been designed to affect all the senses in an exciting and enticing way. What these stores offer the consumer is a ‘full-on’ experience of their commercial offering. They wrap you in their branding with exciting use of colour, visuals, lighting, smells and sound – touching all your senses and persuading you to purchase from them because you want to be part of their success.
We have chosen two great examples of this – Bill’s in Gandy Street and Hollister in Princess Hay – very different offerings, with two very different investment levels, but both very engaging and spearheading sensory marketing.
Bill’s started from very humble beginnings – literally a shed that got washed away in floods in October 2000 in Lewes, Sussex. This flood destroyed hundreds of properties and shops in the area and Bill Collison set up a makeshift stall in the High Street – it was a lifeline for the local community as they slowly got back on their feet. Thirteen years later, Bill’s has 14 outlets throughout the country with a further two in the pipeline.
Colour, produce, comfort and enthusiastic staff have made Bill’s stand out from the crowd. As you sit amongst fabulous displays of takeaway produce, beautifully packaged and colour coded, sipping excellent coffee or eating lunch served by enthusiastic and friendly staff listening to cruise style music and appreciating cascading dried chillies, there is little wonder that Bill’s dream has come to fruition. For the full story visit
Hollister California – with queues outside waiting for entry and the whole of the window space taken up with video scenes of surf on the beach via 56 TV screens, entering Hollister captures the shopper’s imagination from the minute your senses are grabbed by their windows.
As you enter the dimly lit shop entrance with overhead chandelier and colonial-style setting your senses are once again thrilled with pulsing music and the aroma of good things to come. Small dark rooms with strategically placed lighting showcase selections of clothing and toiletry products, all heavily branded and brilliantly merchandised.
Any window space reflects a stunning beach scene via customised TV screens and staff are chosen for their looks and feel-good factor that they portray. Changing rooms have a cheeky notice stating: CLOTHING OPTIONAL BEYOND THIS POINT – a brave statement geared to get talked about with its fun-loving ethos. Even the payment area doesn’t miss a trick, with the latest American glossy magazines showcased for sale. If you haven’t yet visited this shop and need inspiration for doing things differently in retail, draw inspiration from one of the masters. For further information on Hollister visit their website http://www.hollisterco.com
These are two exciting retail entities defying the trend for internet shopping, showing how with good vision, solid branding and holistic experiential marketing, there is a place for shops in the high street as well as ordering online.
If you need help in identifying ways to make your business Stand out from the Crowd, contact us via the Enquiry Form below. We have considerable retail and service industry experience and would be happy to assist with your enquiries. http://www.theplumconsultancy.com/marketing