Why you should be using digital engagement at your exhibition stand

Authored by Newshound
Posted Wednesday, September 28, 2016 - 3:18am

Engaging with visitors at an exhibition should be every brand’s number 1 priority. It may seem logical to focus every effort on generating leads and sales, but actually the best way that any business can do this is through engaging with their audience.

Using digital engagement to engage with your audience can help your sales team by providing a sales tool to take your visitors on a journey.


Taking a step back and thinking about what your audience would want to know about in order to decide whether they want to make a purchase can be the difference between making a sale and not.

For example, if you’re walking past a market stall and somebody shouts “APPLES” at you, you may not want an apple and move on. But if they were instead tell you that they had juicy fruit that can keep you healthy, you may be all ears.

In an exhibition environment, it may not be possible to show an audience everything that you do. Or to talk about every single element that makes up your business. You may choose to focus on one new product as an example. Or just one range out of many to focus on.

The way you can keep the broadness of your business without confusing your stand with a lot of busyness is by using digital engagement.

Use a digital device to showcase your website. If somebody really is interested in something specific, you can then show them without having to painfully describe it.


Video is a great digital engagement tool to showcase your product being used in real life. Whether it’s a product demo if your product is too big to take with you, or a run through of your software to show what it really does.

Using video draws attention to your stand from the moving images and also creates a talking point for your on-stand staff to act as a sales tool.


A branded digital game is a great way to capture people’s attention and make them want to engage with your stand. It’s a way for your audience to physically interact with your brand and can help to reinforce your brand messages.

By using a digital game, you can also integrate a data capture form to make sure you can email them after the event!

Integrate digital engagement

Whatever the motivation for using digital engagement, it’s important to think about how you’re going to integrate it with your stand design. Nimlok's exhibition displays for example, can be designed in tandem to any digital engagement to make sure that every element works together to help the stand staff. Take into consideration the amount of space that will be needed for each – such as room for a group of people to stand in front of a video to watch it, or for a game to be in a prominent space to draw attention and let people watch.

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