4 Thrill-Seeking Activities for Raising Funds for Charity

Ellie Green
Authored by Ellie Green
Posted Wednesday, October 16, 2024 - 10:13am

When you think about a way to raise funds for a charity of your choosing, does your mind instinctively go towards marathons or bake sales?

Both are pretty standard options, and are the 'go-to' for many people who want to raise money for a charity that they care about. While you may get a thrill from baking a Victoria Sponge cake, neither option is overly thrilling and, after you've done it a few times, can seem a little dull.

There are more fun ways you can raise money for charity, and here, you will be walked through some of the most fun and thrilling options. Enjoy!

  1. Skydiving

Starting at the top (literally), skydiving is an extreme fundraising idea that also boosts your adrenaline and makes you feel amazing.

Skydiving as a fundraising option is also becoming more commonly used by charities to raise awareness. For instance, skydiving with Macmillan is becoming a more intriguing way for this charity to raise funds for cancer. However, as you may have guessed, for this to work, you need to ensure that you get an agreement in place with a reputable skydiving company. This will help you to price the event and determine what percentage of the funds raised will go to the charity of your choice.

  1. Survival Challenges

If the idea of jumping out of a plane makes you feel ill, but you still want a thrill-seeking activity, don't worry! There are other options you can do.

For instance, you can get in touch with your inner Bear Grylls and take part in a survival challenge. You will need to ensure that yourself and others who are taking part are provided with everything you need to survive in difficult wilderness conditions, and, one way to raise money from this if you are organising it, is to charge people to take part, as well as charge for the rental of private land and safety equipment.

  1. Mountain Climbing

On the more extreme end of survival challenges, you could look into mountain climbing to raise funds for charity. There are companies that will oversee every aspect of charitable mountain climbing, so you won't need to worry about getting all the equipment from different vendors. Best of all, you don't have to climb Everest; even a gentle stroll up a small mountain can help raise money! Just make sure you aim your trek around the weather- if you are new to mountain climbing, you don't want to be doing it during a rainstorm!

  1. Paintball!

This is by far the best option if you are wanting to get older kids and teenagers involved with your charitable fundraising. Who doesn't love paintball?

There is an organisation called Charity Paintball in the UK which donates proceeds from playing paintball to the charity of your choice, taking out the middle man and a lot of forms. So, all you have to do is turn up, shoot some paintballs, have a great time and all the money spent by you and your team goes to charity. No prep is required, just a fun day loosing paintballs!

Authors Bio
Lizzie Reynell-O'Brien graduated with an MSc in Clinical Psychology from Goldsmiths University. She started her small writing company Just Write, in 2018, writing solely about mental health diagnostics in the NHS. She is passionate about writing as an art form, and when she's not typing, you will find her walking her two rescue Jack Russells or in her garden planting wildflowers.


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