40-strong EDF team to take part in GWR
Almost 40 staff members from EDF Energy’s Gadeon House office in Exeter have rallied together and entered into Exeter’s Great West Run, taking place on Sunday 19 October.
The group hopes to raise £3,000 in aid of EDF Energy’s charity partner Marie Curie, with all the funds going to help Marie Curie Nurses provide more free care to people with terminal illnesses in their own homes and in the charity’s nine hospices. Almost £500 has already been raised as part of an office charity day, where the team held a raffle and a cake sale.
Several of the participants from EDF Energy are running the 13.1 mile route in memory of a loved one affected in some way by cancer and some are simply eager to challenge themselves and raise awareness for a very worthy cause.
Pete Fear, service development manager at EDF Energy, said: “Sadly I lost my father to cancer five years ago and I’m motivated to raise money for supporting charities like Marie Curie. I’m also keen to get a bit fitter and thought this was a great opportunity to challenge myself.”
Richard Vaughan, EDF Energy employee and run coordinator, said: “I’m already a very keen runner and thought I could use that to do something really positive and raise money for such a great cause. I have been amazed by the number of work colleagues that have signed up to do this and I’m confident we can exceed our fundraising target. We hope by doing this we can raise awareness of Marie Curie and the fantastic job they do, while also highlighting in general the importance of everyday healthiness and wellbeing.
Just fifteen months after Marie Curie became EDF Energy’s new charity partner, EDF Energy employees had already exceeded the £400,000 fundraising target set for the duration of the entire three year partnership, and this impressive effort from staff in Exeter will go a long way in boosting this figure even further.
Jo Hancock from Marie Curie said: “It’s great that so many EDF Energy staff have taken up the challenge of Exeter’s Great West Run. We wish them the best of luck and hope that they achieve their personal and fundraising targets.
“The funds raised will ensure that Marie Curie Nurses can provide more care to terminally ill people and support to their families in local communities across the UK.”
To sponsor the team, visit https://www.justgiving.com/teams/B2BGWR2014