Fourth mystery donation to Exeter’s Hopiscare shops

Mary Youlden
Authored by Mary Youlden
Posted Tuesday, March 24, 2015 - 10:21am

Hospiscare has received another mystery donation – this time £1,020 was left outside its flagship store in Exeter’s Fore Street.

The money was left in a large bag, containing a purple quilt, just by the front door a few minutes before staff arrived to open up in the morning.

Last Christmas Hospiscare, Exeter’s local end of life charity, celebrated receiving £3,450 after cash  was left in two carrier bags outside its Cowick Street shop and just last month Hospiscare received another mystery donation of £140 in notes, this time through the post, to the same store.

“It seems Hospiscare has a mystery benefactor,” said Hayley Bond, Fore Street store manager. “Our volunteer Gill opened up the bag and held up the quilt and the money just came flying out. I counted it and the pile just grew larger and larger.”

Hayley called Cowick Street manager Mandy Harding to check what to do next. “I phoned up Mandy and said: You’ll never guess what’s happened!” She then called the police.

Hospiscare has to wait six weeks and if the cash is not claimed it will go to the charity which every year provides professional help and support to 2,000 people and their families across Exeter, East and Mid Devon.  The charity has 19 charity shops which contribute towards the £5 million bill it faces every year to run the service – the NHS gives £1.2m.

“If this is a donation we are so grateful,” said Hayley. “It would be a lovely start to our new financial year next month.”

Last year £350 was found, at the same store, in a bag containing what seemed like rubbish. “We fully expected the money to be claimed but it wasn’t and we were lucky enough to be able to keep it,” said Hayley. “We are hoping we can keep this latest sum. Hospiscare staff and volunteers work very hard to raise money to keep our vital service going and this will make a big difference.”

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