Homeless charity needs your vote
A CHARITY, which works to prevent young people becoming homeless, is urging the public to help it secure a funding grant.
Community Housing Aid is in the running for a grant for its project, Nightstop Devon, which provides emergency accommodation for young people.
Members of the public are being urged to go online and vote for Nightstop Devon, which is taking part in a campaign to receive a grant of up to £25,000 from the Masonic Charitable Foundation Community Award.
Nightstop Devon supports 16 to 25 year olds to find permanent accommodation, whilst an ‘army’ of volunteers provide emergency accommodation in their homes.
Stuart Hooper, Director of Community Housing Aid, said: ‘Nightstop’s work is vital in Devon. Over the past year, we have provided over 680 nights of emergency accommodation to young people. The £25,000 grant would help us to continue this important work and help even more young people at their most vulnerable times.’
A young person who has used the service said: ‘I would definitely recommend this service to those who are going through hardship. No matter how hopeless the situation may seem, Nightstop has been overwhelmingly positive.’
This year is the 300th anniversary of the Freemasons. As part of their celebrations, the Masonic Charitable Foundation is giving £3million to 300 charities across the country. Nightstop Devon is one of the charities nominated in the south west.
Supporters are encouraged to vote for Nightstop by visiting the website below. The more votes they receive, the more money they will be awarded – up to £25,000.
The voting period is from Monday, June 12 until Monday, July 31.
The Masonic Charitable Foundation obtains its funding from Freemasons and their families. It is estimated that half of Freemasonry’s total charitable expenditure goes to charities that help people in communities across the country.
Rt. W. Bro. Ian Kingsbury, Provincial Grand Master for Devonshire Freemasons, said ‘We are proud to be able to support many charities across Devon, but in this special 300th anniversary year we want to involve the public, as well as local Freemasons, in deciding which of the nominated charities should benefit most. I urge everyone to visit the website and vote.’
To support Nightstop Devon, visit mcf.org.uk/vote and cast your vote today by choosing the Devon page and selecting Nightstop Devon as your charity.