John Nettles to speak at Cathedral's Diamond Jubilee Grand Nave Dinner
On 12 October, Exeter Cathedral is hosting its Diamond Jubilee Grand Nave Dinner in support of the Third Millennium Campaign, which ensures that the Cathedral and its mission are sustained for the future. John Nettles is kindly giving his time to entertain the dinner guests with readings drawn from the archives and there will be music from David Webb, a former chorister, who is now forging a professional career together with the Cathedral's own musicians, choristers and the Devon County Junior choir. Tickets have been sold out, but there is a waiting list should there be any returns so do get in touch. Tickets are £130 each and include pre-dinner reception, four course meal and all the accompanying wines. If you would like to attend this very special occasion when the Cathedral is looking at its most magical then please email campaign@exeter-cathedral.org.uk.
However if you can't get tickets, there is the chance to attend another fundraising event on Saturday 17 November at 7.30pm, in St. Peter’s Church, Budleigh Salterton. Andrew Millington and David Davies will perform 'A Keyboard Celebration' - an entertaining evening of solos and duets, including music by Bach, Mozart, Grieg, Souza, Scott Joplin and Gershwin. They are playing the organ and piano (in every conceivable combination!) The tickets include an interval drink and the event is sponsored by Everys. Tickets £10
For more information about Exeter Cathedral, visit www.exeter-cathedral.org.uk