RNRMC nominated for best fundraiser at the Payroll Giving Excellence Awards
The successful work of the Royal Navy and Royal Marines Charity’s (RNRMC) dedicated fundraising team has resulted in a nomination for Best Fundraiser at the National Payroll Giving Excellence Awards 2015, which will be held on November 17th at the House of Lords in London.
The RNRMC has seen Payroll Giving donations increase an average of 8 per cent a year since 2010, helping it achieve its aim which is to support Serving Personnel, veterans and their families, for life.
The total income from Payroll Giving since 2010 has more than doubled, from £340,716 to £700,414. Approximately 40 per cent of the Royal Navy and Royal Marines workforce now make a regular donation to the charity by this method (11,556).
The RNRMC is recognised as a best public sector employer, having won Payroll Giving Excellence awards in consecutive years (Gold in 2012; Platinum in 2013/14/15).
Dean Rogers, Payroll Giving Business Development Executive, said: “This is a fantastic recognition for the charity and proof that payroll giving is an effective method of supporting the charity whilst getting on with the day job.
“Many people who donate through their payroll further encourage fundraising events, at sea or on land, acting as ambassadors – or as we call them, charity champions – for the charity.”
The work of the fundraising team has seen an increase in donations, achieved through various methods that range from staff presentations to serving personnel to digital and targeted campaigns with case studies, so each individual can better identify with a reason to donate to the charity.
Lauren Wileman, Head of Fundraising, said: “I’m incredibly proud that our hardworking fundraising team has been recognised for this award. Their personal engagement with our in-Service beneficiaries is an integral part of our donor journey.
“It’s critical that from the moment they walk through the gates of HMS Raleigh, Britannia Royal Naval College Dartmouth or the Commando Training Centre in Lympstone, new recruits are aware that their charity will support them and their dependants for life. Our targeted internal marketing campaigns and the continued face-to-face presentations from our team are enabling this.”
Lauren added: “These fantastic achievements did not happen by themselves, but thanks to a dedicated, informed and strategic fundraising team, led by Dean Rogers.”