Walking for Mum

Authored by Hospiscare
Posted Tuesday, May 27, 2014 - 3:14pm

Hospiscare would like to say a huge thank you to all 30 members of the ‘Anything but the Book Team’ who took part in the Starlight Walk on May 10th.

The team was organised by Neil Carthew and his daughter, Hannah, whose wife and Mum, Sandra passed away from cancer in March 2014 after being diagnosed in 2005. Sandra was cared for by Hospiscare and Neil and Hannah wanted to give something back to the hospice for the care she received.
Neil and his 14 year old daughter, Hannah decided to get Sandra’s friends together to take part in the ladies only Starlight walk.

The pair contacted Sandra’s friends at her Book Club: a group of friends who met once a month to discuss a book that they had read, however as the team name suggests, perhaps it was ‘Anything but the Book’ which was discussed! Hannah also gathered 10 of her friends, creating a group of 30, walking as part of the ‘Anything But the Book Team’.  

The ladies gathered in Exmouth and enjoyed a buffet together before setting off on the 12k walk. Each lady was given a badge incorporating a photo of Sandra and the team name which they all pinned to their tee shirt. They all enjoyed the night walk and walking in memory of a close friend.

Hannah said; ‘’It was a wonderful night and experience, extremely well run and marshalled.  I was amazed by the level of support from everyone who donated to our team and would like to thank the team for walking in memory of Mum.’’
Between them they have already raised over £4400 in sponsorship and are still collecting money in.

The girls have not stopped fundraising! Hannah and her House Mistress at Blundell’s School, Rachel Crease have organised another fundraising challenge. Next Thursday the school house will be spending the night boarding with a sponsored evening of ‘no devices’. None of the teenage girls will be able to use their ipads, laptops, phones, TVs or any other screen to which they are normally attached!

Hannah said: ‘’Blundell's school have been very supportive and I must thank Mrs Crease and the matrons for making this possible.  This will be a lot tougher than it sounds, but some parents have already said it’s a wonderful idea.

Events Fundraiser Hannah Slater said: ‘’It is fantastic to see such a large team come together to remember a friend. Hannah should be really proud of her achievement and we are very grateful to all of the ladies and girls involved. We hope that they will continue to enjoy taking part in Hospiscare events.’’

With sponsorship from the walk and the ‘no devices challenge’ Neil, Hannah and the ‘Anything But the Book Team’ are hoping to have raised £5000 for Hospiscare.

To find out about other Hospiscare events visit www.hospiscare.co.uk.

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