Exeter-based Scomis achieves new accreditation to deliver ICT support
Exeter-based Scomis, providers of ICT services and training to the education sector, has successfully achieved Capita Accreditation for a further two years, enabling them to continue providing and supporting Capita software to approximately 550 schools and colleges across the South West.
Scomis is a service unit of Devon County Council.
Phil Neal, Managing Director of Capita Education renewed the accreditation at Scomis’s Regional Training Centre at Great Moor House, Sowton, which opened last year.
Scomis says it’s delighted to receive the accreditation, because this year the criteria to receive accreditation was so much more intense than in previous years.
Scomis supports all aspects of schools’ ICT, including Capita SIMS, Curriculum software, Microsoft Office products, network management, desktop services, managed services and bespoke infrastructure solutions.
It supports nearly 550 schools in Devon, Cornwall, Bath and North East Somerset, Gloucestershire and Oxfordshire, including 24,000 PC’s and over 105,000 pupils and staff.
Commenting on the new accreditation, Phil Neal of Capita said:
“As part of the accreditation process we ask schools to comment on the service provided. A very significant number of schools took time out to compliment the quality and value of the (Scomis’s) service. One school’s comment, which was typical, said ‘we are extremely pleased with the quality of service from Scomis. We’ve found all aspects to be outstanding.’
“Schools are very high pressure environments and the computer management is essential to their smooth running. SCOMIS is clearly delivering!”
Scomis’s Head of Service Management and Business Development, Debbie Foweraker, said:
“This is a real achievement considering the criteria to receive Capita accreditation is now much more challenging than previously, requiring Scomis to demonstrate that it’s a leader in this field of ICT support.”