New face of education at Trill
The Trill Trust, the educational charity based on Trill Farm in Axminster, has appointed its first Director of Education, Jolyon Chesworth, to lead its programme of opportunities for people to become inspiring leaders of sustainable and environmental practice, focused on the food, health and energy issues that face the world.
Jolyon’s role will be to develop and implement a strategy for education at Trill using the beautiful habitats and wildlife on the farm as the basis of learning; to manage and promote the annual programme of courses and events hosted at Trill Farm; and to strengthen Trill’s relationship with local and regional environmental educational communities.
Jolyon has a passion for the natural environment, having spent the last fifteen years working for conservation organisations to help protect our wonderfully rich habitats and wildlife.
Jolyon says: “I’m never happier than when outside, wandering around the woods and meadows, or down on the seashore exploring the rockpools. I love experiencing the change of seasons and there is now a wealth of evidence that demonstrates that the simple act of being outside, soaking up the sights and sounds and discovering new things, contributes so much to our physical and mental health and wellbeing. But it is easy to get sidetracked by our busy lives, and to forget all this, and to take for granted what our natural environment does for us.
“My aim at The Trill Trust is simple, to provide inspiration and opportunities that allow people to re-connect with this incredible natural environment, to learn from it and to develop a strong desire, and the knowledge, to take care of it so that it will continue to bring us the benefits that we can sometimes forget. Trill Farm is a wonderful classroom and I’m really keen to hear from other education providers in the area to explore ideas for potential collaboration and how we can make best use of Trill and turn the Trust and the Farm in to a really community asset.”