Premiership Rugby champion, Jack Yeandle, returns to his QE roots
On Monday 27th November, Premiership Rugby star and Ex QE Student, Jack Yeandle came back to Queen Elizabeth’s School in Crediton to deliver a Rugby Masterclass.
As part of QE’s afterschool Rugby Club, Jack led the session with QE’s Rugby stars of the future. Jack also reminisced about the start of his Rugby playing career representing QE. Students found it fascinating to hear him speak of the last game that he played for the school, on the Barnfield pitch against Torrington school, as a Full back rather than his current position as a hooker!
Colin Skinner, PE Team leader at QE said ‘It was such an incredible privilege having him come into his old school and inspire our students.’
In what were horrendously muddy conditions, Jack looked like he really enjoyed leading the sessions and he stressed how getting muddy is what the sport of Rugby is all about! The PE & Outdoor Ed department send their thanks to Jack and his team and they hope he’ll come back soon!