Clean sweep of outstanding judgements for Broadhembury Primary
An East Devon church school has achieved a clean sweep of outstanding judgements from Diocese of Exeter inspectors.
Broadhembury Church of England Primary was rated outstanding in four key areas following the inspection:
The school was said to be outstanding at:
• Meeting the needs of all learners
• The effectiveness of its leadership and management
• Its distinctiveness and effectiveness as a church school
• The impact of collective worship on the school community
Outstanding is the highest judgement that inspectors can make.
It follows a similar judgement for Branscombe Primary which is joined with Broadhembury Primary in the Jubilee Federation under executive headteacher Katie Gray.
The Bishop of Crediton, the Right Reverend Nick McKinnel, will present the school with a certificate to mark its achievement on July 15 at 9.15am.
Diocese of Exeter inspector Wendy Simmons spent a day at the school and her report has just been published. She concludes: “Pupils are now making good progress and achievement is normally above average in reading, writing and maths.
“The spiritual, moral and social development of all children is outstanding and reflected in every aspect of school life and its varied activities. Parents spoken to are very happy with their children’s education. All parents value the Christian ethos and care, guidance and support for all children.
“The relationships between governors, parents and the community are outstanding. The head’s outstanding leadership is successful in articulating the Christian vision of the school. Parents are particularly impressed with the high level of communication.”
Headteacher Katie Gray said: “It is lovely to know that the ethos and values which the school community promotes on a daily basis have been recognised in this way.
“I would like to thank the staff team, parents and our local community for all the hard work that goes into ensuring that Christian values underpin all that we do in school.
“It is really pleasing to have other people appreciate the ethos and thoughtfulness demonstrated by the children at Broadhembury
“It has been a super first year for The Jubilee Federation, having both schools graded as ‘outstanding’ for their church school inspection is a great reflection on the success of the partnership.”