Exeter pupils’ learning gets a boost thanks to E.ON’s ‘Sir Kit Breaker’ workshop
As part of its commitment to bringing energy solutions and education to the Exeter area, pupils at local primary schools have recently had a visit from E.ON, introducing Sir Kit Breaker who lacks energy awareness and his assistant Penny Saver, who is passionate about saving time, money and the planet.
With the help of the pupils, Penny aims to encourage Sir Kit to become more energy efficient, increasing pupils’ awareness at the same time. By taking part in a series of hands-on activities, rhymes and challenges the Year 4, 5 and 6 pupils supported Penny on her mission, learning all about energy by creating human circuits, using a tea-cosy to demonstrate how insulation works and generating enough electricity themselves to power a TV screen.
Billie-Jean Poole, Senior Community Relations Officer at E.ON, said: “E.ON has a long-standing relationship with the Exeter community, and we currently supply heat and hot water through a local community heating scheme known as district heating to our customers at Cranbrook. We’re also fitting smart meters for our customers living in the area.
“Building on this activity, we chose to support the wider community with our educational activities, offering a light hearted way to introduce children to the serious subject of conserving energy. Hopefully, if we can instill good practices in them at a young age, they will become natural habit as they get older.”
Katarina Woodhouse, Year 5 Teacher and Science Lead at St Sidwell’s Church of England Primary School, said: “The Sir Kit Breaker workshop was engaging and involved all of the children. There was fun alongside the learning, and also a message about not wasting electricity and being responsible energy users, which is important. I hope that it will encourage them to think more about energy usage in the classroom and at home.”
The Sir Kit Breaker workshop forms part of E.ON’s broader educational activities, developed to help teach children about where energy comes from and how it is used in our everyday lives.
E.ON offers educational workshops through its Energise Anything programme, which also includes online parent-led as well as classroom-based activities. These support the national curriculum and have been designed to help pupils aged 5-16 understand all stages of energy production, distribution and consumption. Full details and resources can be found at eonenergy.com/energiseanything.
E.ON customers can visit eonenergy.com/smart for more information about E.ON’s self-reading smart meters and to see if they are able to get one installed. If eligible today, they can also book an appointment online.