Exeter School named in Best School's Guide
Exeter School has been named as one of the UK’s best schools on the Sunday Times Best Schools Guide.
The school came 81st on the league table list of 425 independent schools in the UK.
The rating came from the schools exam results which saw over 80% of its students get A* or A at GCSE and over 83% get A* to B in A-levels.
Headmaster of Exeter School, Bob Griffin said: “League tables are, of course, only one of the ways by which to measure the work of good schools, but these pleasing results are testament to our pupils’ hard work and their teachers’ skillful and consistent teaching”
The school has been praised by inspectors in the past for its extra-curricualr activity as well withthe Independent School Inspectorate reporting “the school inspires and strengthens pupils’ academic and sporting achievement."
The report also praisde the school's interation with parents. Inspectors wrote:“Parents are given many worthwhile opportunities to be involved in activities in the school and in the work and progress of their children. For example, parents are able to talk to Exeter School teachers before or after school. They are kept informed about the curriculum and are able to communicate with teachers via homework diaries or staff email."