Happy children learn well at outstanding pre-school
An East Devon pre-school is celebrating winning the highest possible accolade from education inspectors.
Branscombe Pre-School is based at Branscombe Primary School.
Inspectors from Ofsted visited last month and have rated every aspect of its operation as outstanding.
Lead inspector Sharon Peel says the quality and standards of the early years’ provision at Branscombe are outstanding.
So are the effectiveness of its leadership and management, its contribution to the well-being of the children and the way it meets the needs of the range of children who attend.
“Children make excellent progress and have a happy and highly enjoyable pre-school experience,” says Ms Peel.
Staff work very closely with parents, primary school staff and other professionals to ensure all children’s needs are effectively met.
“Staff provide an innovative and exciting programme of activities,” she says.
“Staff use highly effective teaching skills that encourage children to think, be creative and become independent.
“Children are extremely motivated and enthusiastic about their learning. (They) behave exceptionally well (and) younger and older children play very happily together.
“Extremely strong links with school staff ensure children are exceptionally well prepared for their move to school.”
Pre-school leader, Karen Williams, said: “I am delighted that we have been graded as outstanding across all areas and proud that our hard work and dedication has been recognised.
“I’d like to say a big thank you to everyone who has made this possible -especially my team who help to make the pre-school such a wonderful place to work.”