Isca Academy rated 'Good' by Ofsted
Following a recent Ofsted Inspection on the 18-19th October, Isca Academy is celebrating having been graded as a Good School in every category.
Aimee Mitchell, Headteacher, said: “We are delighted with the report, and the much deserved recognition that this gives to the calibre and dedication of our staff team, the talents of our students and the strength of our school community. I feel both proud and privileged to be part of Isca Academy in its unwavering commitment to providing a high quality, inspiring and a truly inclusive educational experience for each and every child. Isca Academy is a vibrant and ambitious school where every child can achieve and exceed their greatest expectations.”
The inspection follows strong GCSE results in 2016; demonstrating that Isca Academy students make progress significantly above the national average across the range of abilities and subjects. Indeed, the Ofsted team noted that in terms of the core subjects “Pupils’ progress in mathematics has been consistently strong”, in English “pupils are doing better than others nationally” and “pupils who take the triple sciences achieve in line with the national average or better”.
The report considered Isca Academy students to be “well prepared for their next steps in education, employment or training” and described them as “considerate, polite”, “confident” and “eager to learn”, as a reflection of “the care given by staff to pupils”. The school’s strong stance on tolerance and preventing bullying was reflected in both student and parent feedback, with 98% of parents confirming that their child feels safe at the school.
The range of extra-curricular activities offered to students at Isca Academy also stood out, being described by inspectors and parents alike as “impressive”. One parent commented: “Isca Academy is genuinely life enriching beyond the academic”.
The report identified the school’s ethos as “one of high expectations and positive relationships”. This was echoed by parents in comments such as “Our daughter loves going to school in the morning and we feel that the teachers have struck the right balance of care and academic stretch to mean that she is a confident, happy and stimulated pupil”. Overall, the report notes that “All parents who responded to the Parent View survey would recommend the school to other parents”.
Miss Mitchell concluded: “We are passionate about providing high quality, comprehensive education, and are extremely ambitious for every child in our school, whatever their starting point. I hope that this report will continue to ensure that Isca Academy is the school of choice for our local community.”
The full report can be accessed on the Isca Academy webpage http://www.iscaexeter.co.uk/about-us/ofsted