Isca Academy students celebrate GCSE results
143 students at Isca Academy are receiving their GCSE results today and we are extremely proud to report that they have achieved an impressive set of figures, with the Academy’s results improving once again.
I in 5 results this year is an A*/A, demonstrating Isca Academy’s ability to enable our most able students to achieve an exceptional level of academic achievement. Over 15% of the year group results contain 5 or more A* and A grades.
As a year group these students have far surpassed their entry-point expectations and are proof that Isca Academy is providing high quality education, leading to great progress for all of our students no matter what their starting point.
Over a third of students made better than expected progress in Mathematics, with an exceptional 50% of students making better than expected progress in English. 55% of students will be leaving with A* - C grades in both English and Mathematics.
The Academy’s commitment to a broad curriculum is also reflected in excellent results in other subject areas; in particular Languages, with 80% of grades awarded at A* - C, Drama with 73% at A* - C, and PE with 72% at A* - C. Two thirds of all students in the Academy achieved an A* – C pass in Religious Studies with one third achieving A* or A grades in this subject.
Our highest achieving students this year are Aimee Ibarra Hempel with 9A* and 4A grades, Katie Kamara with 6A* 3A + 4B grades, Maddie Anderson 5A* + 7A grades, Annie McShane 5A* + 7A grades and Mike Thomas 4A*, 5A + 3B grades.
The achievements of the following students are also worthy of mention:
Bethan Ostrer, 3A* + 6A grades, Libby Hassell-Williams 3A* 6A grades, Ellie-Maye Barbour-Gresham 3A* + 5A grades, Gabriel Williamson 2A* + 5A grades.
The following Individuals are also identified by staff as making outstanding progress during their time at Isca Academy: Jack Hall, Chandler Reed and Tia Janowski.
Head teacher Aimee Mitchell says: “We are extremely proud of all of our students at Isca Academy and these results reflect the hard work of both the staff and the students to achieve their very best. Our school has high aspirations for each and every student and we focus on providing high quality provision both inside and outside of the classroom. We hope that all of our students will be inspired by the fantastic achievements of this year group and we wish them luck in the next stage of their life.”
Parents and children in Year 6 are welcome to attend our Open Evening on Thursday 29th September at 6:30 pm.
For further information check the Isca Academy website: www.iscaexeter.co.uk