Pupils stay CO smart with art
Year 6 pupils across the South West are putting their artistic skills to the test as part of a campaign to raise awareness of the dangers of carbon monoxide (CO) poisoning.
Wales & West Utilities is working with The Carbon Monoxide and Gas Safety Society to help better inform children, who are amongst those most at risk of the CO poisoning, the so-called silent killer.
Children aged 10-11 will be looking to channel their inner Picasso and create an informative work of art that could help save lives. The poster competition offers pupils the chance to learn all about the dangers of CO poisoning and bag their school a £300 or £500 prize. The winning entries will also win a trip to the House of Lords for them and their family.
The competition deadline is nearing as it closes on the 31st July, with the winners will subsequently be invited to the House of Lords.
Wales & West Utilities Head of Regulation, Steve Edwards, said: “We are delighted to again be working with The Carbon Monoxide and Gas Safety Society, who do so much to help raise awareness of CO poisoning. With less than two months left before the submission deadline, we’re urging schools to help pupils get their entries in.
“We hope that as children across the country work on their posters, the messages of safety and awareness will stay with them long into adulthood.”
For more information on the competition you can visit: www.co-gassafety.co.uk/competition.html
Carbon monoxide is emitted by faulty appliances powered by any fuel that burns – gas, coal, oil, petrol and wood. The symptoms from inhaling it include headache, dizziness, vomiting and shortness of breath. Sometimes people have ‘flu-like’ symptoms, but without the high temperature.
To protect against the risk of Carbon Monoxide, audible alarms are important but there is no substitute for getting all appliances, powered by any fuel that burns, serviced annually. Householders should also make sure that chimneys and flues are swept annually too.
Signs to look out for that show there could be a risk of CO include:
· Gas appliances burning with a lazy yellow or orange flame instead of crisp and blue
· Increased condensation inside windows
· Pilot lights blowing out frequently
· Soot or yellow/brown staining around or on appliances
And if you do suspect CO poisoning, this is what to do:
· Turn appliances off
· Open doors and windows
· Get everyone outside into fresh air immediately
· Call the National Gas Emergency Service on 0800 111 999
· And if there is a medical emergency, don’t delay, ‘phone 999'
More information on carbon monoxide poisoning can be found on Wales & West Utilities’ website www.wwutilities.co.uk. Over 7.5 million people rely on Wales & West Utilities to deliver gas for heating homes and powering businesses in Wales and the south west of England. Our dedicated team manages a network of over 35,000km of gas pipes to ensure a safe and reliable gas supply 24/7. We deal with over 2,000 reported gas leaks a week and over 1,000 calls a year where evidence of carbon monoxide is found.
If anyone smells gas, thinks they have a gas leak, or suspects carbon monoxide poisoning, they should call the National Gas Emergency Service on 0800 111 999 and our engineers will be there to help, day or night.