Repton School Pupils Secure Offers for Medicine, Dentistry, and Veterinary Courses at Top Universities

Liv Butler
Authored by Liv Butler
Posted Sunday, August 4, 2024 - 7:35pm

Pupils from Repton School, Derbyshire, have secured offers to study medicine, veterinary medicine, and dentistry from leading universities. Cambridge, Edinburgh, Bristol, and Exeter are amongst the prestigious universities to offer the Sixth Form pupils places.

Repton is well-renowned for its exceptional academic outcomes and higher education success. In 2023, around 60% of A Level pupils secured their first-choice place at Russell Group universities. Overseas destinations for leavers included Princeton, Cornell, and other Ivy League colleges in the U.S.

Repton Pupils’ Passion for Healthcare

With the 2024 exam season now over, many A Level pupils across the UK will be waiting for results day to see if they’ve achieved the grades set out in their university offers. A group of dedicated pupils at Repton Sixth Form, who have secured offers to pursue degrees in healthcare, are now eagerly awaiting their results.

Securing a place in competitive fields like medicine and dentistry is challenging. Repton’s pupils have shown exceptional academic prowess and commitment to their chosen professions to receive such impressive offers.

Besides excelling in science subjects, the pupils have actively participated in extracurricular activities and community service. This well-rounded education has enabled them to demonstrate the qualities needed to succeed in the demanding environments of medical, dental, and veterinary schools.

Repton’s Aspiring Medical Students

Aspiring doctors at Repton include Jenna L, who has received offers from the Universities of Bristol, Cambridge, Edinburgh, and Exeter. The average acceptance rate for these distinguished universities’ medical schools is 18.75%.

Jacob W also secured an offer to study medicine at the University of Exeter. Additionally, he has an offer from Queen’s University Belfast.

Meanwhile, Lemuel M secured an offer from the University of Brighton. Brighton and Sussex Medical School has an acceptance rate of just 11.65%.

Jenna, Jacob, and Lemuel have navigated a challenging selection process, writing personal statements and taking part in multiple mini-interviews. They’ve also sat entrance exams like the University Clinical Aptitude Test (UCAT) and BioMedical Admissions Test (BMAT).

Repton’s Future Dentists and Vets

Repton’s future dentists and vets have also gained offers from their preferred universities after rigorous selection journeys.

Poppy B and Thorin B received offers to study veterinary medicine from the Universities of Surrey and Nottingham and Harper and Keele Veterinary School respectively. These pupils’ passion for animal health and welfare led them to gain veterinary experience through various work placements on farms and in vet practices.

Meanwhile, Shaan S, who gained hands-on dentistry experience through shadowing and volunteering positions, secured an offer from the University of Liverpool. The university receives roughly 700 applicants each year and interviews 330. Just 160 of these interviewees receive an offer.

Additionally, Repton alumnus Emily H received an offer to study dentistry at the University of Sheffield. This Russell Group university is one of the top 100 in the world.

Higher Education Support for Repton Pupils

Repton’s commitment to offering a balanced education ensures pupils leave ready to face the challenges of higher education and the modern world. The School’s dedicated teachers and higher education team support pupils with guidance and resources to help them make informed choices about their future destinations after leaving school.

For many pupils, A Level study serves as the gateway to university. Staff members like Dr Stuart Ingleston-Orme, Repton’s head of science and a fellow of the Royal Society of Biology, play a crucial role in preparing pupils for the UCAS process. He and other teachers assist pupils with entrance exams, interviews, and applications.

Additionally, pupils have access to Unifrog, a platform with extensive resources for researching university options in the UK and abroad. Pupils considering applications to international universities receive tailored advice and support, as do those considering Oxford or Cambridge.

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