Students search within thanks to Exeter University Medical School
Upper Sixth Biology groups at Exeter School experienced gene technology workshops thanks to a visiting team from Exeter University Medical School.
Pupils used restriction endonucleases to digest plasmid DNA and then separated the fragments using gel electrophoresis.
The fragments were fluorescently labelled so could be seen using a UV lamp.
Head of Biology Julia Metcalf said this was a fantastic opportunity for the Upper Sixth to get hands on experience of the practical techniques they are learning about in Unit 5 of their A2 syllabus and techniques that several of them will go on to use at university level and beyond.
"Many thanks to Dr John Chilton and his team from the Exeter University Medical School for giving their time to run these activities.
Upper Sixth pupil Hannah Withers said she found the workshop very interesting. "It gave us an insight into how science research is carried out - especially with DNA technology - something we are rarely able to experience at school."