Train to Teach roadshow targets Exeter talent
Aspiring teachers with the passion and potential to teach are being encouraged to attend the Train to Teach roadshow when it visits Exeter on Wednesday 11th March.
The Train to Teach roadshow, organised by the National College for Teaching and Leadership (NCTL), is the most comprehensive event of its kind. It provides new graduates and those considering a career change, a chance to find out more about the rewards and opportunities a career in teaching offers.
Visitors to the event in Exeter will be able to find out more about how to get into the profession and the different training routes available, including School Direct. People can meet with representatives from local schools and universities who offer teacher training, as well as current teachers and teaching experts for practical tips and one-to-one advice.
The event will also showcase the financial support available and information on the competitive starting salaries, as well as the rewards that teaching has to offer. These include substantial tax-free bursaries and scholarships of up to £25,000 for candidates who train to teach certain subjects, and a competitive starting salary.
Teachers and teaching experts who can offer practical tips and one-to-one advice about the profession will be on hand at the event.
Charlie Taylor, Chief Executive of NCTL, said: “Teaching is a brilliant job and increasingly a career of choice for top graduates as it offers a competitive salary, flexibility and excellent opportunities for people who want to progress. The bursaries and scholarships that we are offering this year will give even more great people the opportunity to become teachers.
“Some of our best teachers entered the profession after pursuing careers in other fields, bringing with them a wealth of experience and expertise to help inspire the next generation of CEOs, scientists and engineers.
“I would urge anyone considering becoming a teacher to come along to the event in Exeter to find out more about the profession and the training options available.”
The ‘Train to Teach’ roadshow is taking place on Wednesday 11th March at the Thistle Exeter City Centre, The Rougemont, Queen Street, Exeter from 5pm - 8pm.
Entrance to the events is free. Registering in advance is advised by going to: https://traintoteach.education.gov.uk/sign-up however you can also register at the venue on the day.
Anyone interested in becoming a teacher should visit: www.education.gov.uk/getintoteaching or contact the Teaching Line on: 0800 389 2500.