Take a peek at private gardens in Exeter
Fancy a peek around some private gardens in Exeter’s leafy St Leonards? Then pop along to see six gardens in Matford Avenue, Matford Road, Leighdene Close and St Leonards Road, five of which are opening for the first time.
The keen gardeners, who are all good friends, are taking part in Exeter Hospiscare’s Open Gardens on Sunday May 22 from 2pm-5pm. Admission is by donation.
“Come and take a look around, this is a friendly, welcoming neighbourhood,” said Minna Egan, one of the garden owners.
“We have neighbourhood parties at Christmas and in the summer, so we all know each other well, and we’d love to share our gardens with you. We’ll give you a warm welcome to our gardens, which are all varied, and we’re offering cream teas in my garden.”
The new Hospiscare Open Gardens booklet is now available, giving details of 36 gardens opening to the public until 5 September and is available from local shops, garden shops and Hospiscare charity shops.
Bernaville Nurseries kindly sponsored the booklet which can be viewed online at www.hospiscare.co.uk
For more information call Hospiscare on 01392 688020.