Pro Tips to Make Your Photos Awesome

Claire Small
Authored by Claire Small
Posted Wednesday, February 20, 2019 - 6:45pm

Browsing through the glamorous Insta-posts, have you ever wished you could get as good a picture as theirs? Of course you have. We all have. We are a generation that’s obsessed with photographs. And why shouldn’t we be? Photos are a brilliant way to reach out, flaunt and preserve precious moments in moments in life. 

While we are extremely fortunate, as we can pick a great photo editor for PC and enhance our photos whenever we want, here are a few tips that would help you capture much greater shots and keep those “likes” flooding in.

Get closer to the subject

According to experienced and renowned photographers, if you think your photographs aren’t coming out to be as good as they should, you are probably not close enough to your subject. You will have to go and plunge right into the action area. While capturing, if you aren’t really satisfied with the way your image pops, consider taking a few steps closer to the subject. For certain photographs, if you get closer enough to fill the frame with your subject, the photos would turn out to be excellent.

Be aware of the light

Before you get started with getting your frame and focus right, determine the direction from which the light is falling, and use this information to do the needful so as to beautify the photo. When it comes to light, apart from the direction, the source of light also has a role to play. You deal with natural lighting during the day in a certain way and artificial light sources in another. It is important that you figure out how you want the light to interact with your scene and subject so as to give the best results.

Try and incorporate a story behind the capture

This is particularly important when you are capturing primarily for social media or mass viewers. Audiences always enjoy photographs that come with a background story, a message or an incident. A good way to go about it is, while you are clicking a picture, ask yourself – what does it mean to you? What does it make you feel when you look at the scene ahead of you, why are you clicking this scene? Once you weave the thought in your head, your picture gets a soul, and the same is perceived by the audience. 

Be thorough with the functionality of your camera

One very basic yet fatal mistake would be to not be aware of how your camera works, and what its potentials are. Often in our excitement we buy very high-tech cameras, never really knowing what to do with it. Thus, first things first – you need to read the user manual of your camera thoroughly. Do not miss this extremely important step while you embark on your photography journey, and discover the cool and quirky things your camera is capable of. 

Are you ready to set your feed on fire? Be confident about yourself and enjoy what you do. That’s the secret mantra! 

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