“You can never fool a mule!” Wainwright prize-winner Hugh Thomson visits Exeter
Wainwright prize-winner Hugh Thomson will be continuing his UK theatre tour this summer at the Exeter Phoenix in Exeter on July 5th, revealing tales of his British ‘South-American adventure’, a hike inspired by the age-old tradition of being accompanied by a pack mule.
Hugh is a writer, film-maker and avid walker who has travelled to the wildest corners of the planet. He has made films about writers such as Oscar Wilde and Patricia Highsmith, and also produced documentaries including the Grierson-winning Indian Journeys with William Dalrymple. This talk accompanies his recently released book, ‘One Man and a Mule: Across England with a Pack Mule’ that he wrote about the journey with his impetuous and energetic teenage mule, Jethro.
Travelling from England’s west to east coast, Hugh and Jethro traversed the Lake District and rambled through the Yorkshire Dales, ending their trip in the Yorkshire Moors. Sharing insights about what they learnt along the way, Hugh’s talk is part of the Royal Geographical Society (with IBG) Regional Theatres Programme. Events are open to all and RGS-IBG members enjoy a reduced ticket price.
An adventurer at heart, Hugh’s philosophy is summed up well in his phrase “if you don’t occasionally jump out of planes, you never land”. Inspired by a route British fell walker Alan Wainwright once took, Hugh and Jethro’s travels from coast to coast led to a number of encounters with the rich history and heritage of several different regions.
Hugh also picked up on how the landscape has changed over time, noting the differences between modern-day Britain and the natural, more untouched environments pack mules would be more accustomed to. From motorways and pylons, to boundary fences and stiles, he discusses how the processes of enclosure are still continuing across the UK.
Ticket Information:
Thursday 5th July at 2.30pm
Gandy St, Exeter EX4 3LS
£10 - £12