Be prepared to be Hooked!
We may all think we know all about the Darling children who were whisked away to Neverland by the impish Peter - the 'Boy Who Wouldn't Grow Up' - and his friend Tinkerbell – but the magic and originality of the story can be reinterpreted afresh for every generation.
This year, Exeter College’s Performing Arts students are taking their very special interpretation of the classical tale around the primary schools of Devon before bringing it to the Barnfield Theatre for six unique performances. This is not just a platform for talented and energetic young people to showcase their musical and dramatic skills; it is a fully engaging show for a family audience.
While the show represents the climax of a year when the students have been working towards a valued and respected qualification, the focus is very much on engaging with young children, to inspire, amaze, delight and entertain.
"This year we've concentrated on creating and making theatre for a children's audience - something the students are passionate about," said Nigel Paul, programme leader at the college."J M Barrie's classic tale of Peter Pan is brought to life and provides the ideal platform for the students to understand this genre of theatre and they're really excited to work with an audience with vivid and creative imaginations."
The story starts with the Darling family, traditional in many respects, the scenes are poignantly played in costumes created in partnership with the Northcott Theatre’s wardrobe department. This dynamic, colourful and magical piece of theatre will captivate audiences as Peter and Tinkerbell explore Neverland with Wendy and her brothers John and Michael.
"This project provides a brilliant opportunity for us to show what our students are capable of," said Jonathan Domaille, deputy head of media and performing arts at the college. "It also allows us to engage, capture and inspire future performers, designers, writers and most importantly theatre goers. We know that this will be a magical and enchanting experience for us to share with friends, family, colleagues and the public. We can't wait!"
Full of swashbuckling pirates, lost boys and Indians – fantasy and storytelling of the highest quality – enchanting performances that the children in the audience - and all those adults who have never grown up - will never forget. They really will believe!
And whilst the original stage performance was in 1904, the college's performance has used a truly 21st century phenomenon with a social media campaign of web and twitter messages driving up the promotion plans with a 'Find Tinkerbell' competition.
With live music, energetic dancing and a large cast of some of Exeter's most vibrant young performers we know you'll be Hooked!!
More information Barnfield Theatre
13th - 16th June Performances - Thursday 10am, Friday 10am and 7pm, Saturday 1.30pm and 7pm and Sunday 1.30pm.
Adults £7 Concessions £5 (Family Ticket 2 Adults/2 Children £20) Barnfield Box Office 01392 270891
Click here to find out more about Media and Performing Arts courses at Exeter College.