New book tells the story of Exeter in the Great War
Devon author Derek Tait has published a new book which tells the story of the city of Exeter and its people during the First World War.
Exeter played a vital role during the First World War, supplying men for the army and raising funds to help troops overseas.
The mayoress and her team played a key role by collecting money to aid homeless Belgian refugees in the city while also supporting other worthy causes, both at home and overseas.
The city even had its own battalion, 'Exeter's Own', and thousands of servicemen passed through the city on their way to northern Europe. Players at Exeter City Football Club were amongst the first to join the Colours and later the Footballer's Battalion.
The effect of the war on Exeter was great. By the end of the conflict, there wasn't a family in the city who hadn't lost a son, father, nephew, uncle or brother. There were tremendous celebrations in the streets as the end of the war was finally announced, but the effects of the conflict were felt for years to come.
This powerful account of a city that showed great courage and determination in a time of adversity ensures that Exeter's people, who lived through four intense years of conflict, are remembered for their immense contribution towards the war effort.
Derek Tait is a full-time author who lives in Plymouth and spent his early years in Singapore and Malaysia. A former photographer and cartoonist, his work has been featured in newspapers and magazines around the world.
The book retails at £12.99
Paperback ISBN: 9781473823099