Teignmouth and Dawlish Drama Festival of One-Act Plays
The Teignmouth and Dawlish Drama Festival (TADDfest) takes place each year in the spring at the lovely Shaftesbury Theatre in Dawlish.
Our Festival Competitions are open to amateur dramatic groups or societies from across Devon and Cornwall.
There is still time to apply to enter the 2019 Festival which will run from Thursday 14th to Saturday 16th March 2019.
Entrants will be given the opportunity to perform in front of an audience and the chance win one of ten trophies in various categories. Everyone receives a detailed analysis of their production from our professional adjudicator, with hints and tips for future development.
If you and your society would like to further your performance skills, enjoy the thrill of competition, or just have great fun putting on a show with like-minded folk, you would be very welcome to join us. If you would like more details and an application form please call 01626 775140 or email taddfest@gmail.com
TADDfest 2019 is part of the Western Division of the prestigious All England Theatre Festival. The winning team is eligible to compete in the further rounds of the competition, culminating in the British final in Harrogate in July.
The closing date for applications is 22nd January 2019.
We look forward to hearing from you. Happy New Year!