Campaign launched to help prevent the number of toddlers being accidentally poisoned by making the home safer
Trading Standards is aiming to reduce the number of incidents in which babies and toddlers (under fives) are being accidently poisoned in Devon, Somerset and Torbay.
A recent report published by Public Health England shows that accidental poisoning is on the rise in the South West, with more children aged 0-4 being rushed to A&E.
The report says that from 2014 to 2018 there were 186 emergency admissions in Devon, 206 in Somerset and 36 in Torbay because of accidental poisoning.
Buy Wise Be safe is a campaign by Trading Standards South West, a partnership of 15 local authority trading standards services. This month, Buy Wise Be Safe is raising awareness to prevent accidental poisoning of babies and toddlers.
#PoisoningPrevention will address the many poisoning risks that can be found in a home and the steps that parents and carers of under 5s can take to make their homes safer.
Steve Gardner, Interventions Manager at Devon, Somerset and Torbay Trading Standards Service, said:
“There are a number of poisoning risks in the modern home, with cleaning chemicals, plant feeds, and other maybe innocuous seeming substances, all potentially to hand for the adventurous child.
“However, as the statistics from Public Health England reveal, the biggest risk is actually medicines with a staggering 69% of the total number of poisonings in the UK involving medicine.
“There are a variety of reasons as to why accidental poisonings happen but we believe they are all preventable and our campaign will provide parents/carers with the awareness they need to prevent poisoning.”
Visit www.buywisebesafe.org.uk for all the advice on #PoisoningPrevention and to gain other safety tips.
To follow the campaign on social media please visit www.facebook.com/buywisebesafe or www.twitter.com/buywisebesafe