Exeter school children connect for nature
200 children aged between five and 15 years of age from across 20 Exeter school’s came together recently to celebrate the world of wildlife around them.
The conference, organised by Devon Wildlife Trust, was staged at the city’s St Peter’s Church of England School and took place on Friday 9th November. Its theme was ‘the bigger picture’ and asked students to think about how taking small, local steps to help wildlife can lead to big and impressive results.
The conference featured TV naturalist Nick Baker, who gave an inspirational launch address spelling out just how important wildlife is to all our lives. The remainder of the day was designed to give children the skills with which they could better help and protect the natural world around them.
Paignton Zoo Environment Park provided children with a live-link to ask questions of a research scientist working on a conservation project in Sulawesi, Indonesia. The National Marine Aquarium gave them an insight into the interconnected world beneath the waves, showing how marine animals and plants rely on one another for their survival. While Devon Wildlife Trust rounded off the day with a range of workshops on bumblebees, feeding garden birds, butterflies, bugs, trees and ponds.
Devon Wildlife Trust’s Education Officer, Paul Martin reflected on a very successful day: ‘I was blown away by the numbers of children attending, their enthusiasm and their knowledge. This is why I came to do this job: to inspire the next generation to do something for wildlife and natural world.’
Paul continued: "The conference is part of a wider movement – the Exeter Wildlife Champions Network. This links schools and their communities, providing them with training and opportunities to engage with the natural world around them. It is also about empowering people; giving them the tools and the belief that they can make a difference."
Each of the 20 schools attending left the conference with a set of individual challenges to make their local patch better for wildlife. Ongoing support from Paul and Devon Wildlife Trust will keep them on track over the coming months.
To find out more about Devon Wildlife Trust’s Wildlife Champions Network contact Paul Martin on 01392 279244 or email pmartin@devonwildlifetrust.org
The Wildlife Champions Network forms part of Exeter Wild City, a five year partnership project between Devon Wildlife Trust and Exeter City Council. The aim of the project is to improve green space for wildlife and people across the city.
Find out more about the educational work that we do through our Exeter Wildlife Champions network by clicking here.